You can play your part in celebrating bicycle culture in  Northern Ireland by voting in the 2013 Fréd Awards. The Fréd Festival in association with NI Greenways brings you the opportunity to choose the best (and worst) aspects of cycling in Northern Ireland.

Vote now in The 2013 Fréd Awards

You can vote up until noon on Monday 9th December 2013 in 10 categories:

  • Best local cycle story of the year
  • Best cycle campaign
  • Best elected representative of the year
  • Cycle event of the year
  • Best local cycle blog / blogger
  • Best local bike shop
  • Best cycle friendly employer
  • Best cycle infrastructure > #fredGood
  • Worst cycle infrastructure > #fredBad
  • Most chic cyclist of the year > #fredChic

You can vote for the big 3 categories directly via Twitter using the hashtags above – just tweet a picture to @thefredfestival to vote.

There has been an amazing response already, and the top prizes are hotly contested. Several special awards will also be announced when voting has closed.

Awards will be presented to the winners on Friday 13th December. Get voting now!

** The Fréd Awards 2013 voting form **

Find out more about The Fréd Festival and get involved in creating a better cycling culture in Northern Ireland on The Fréd Festival website.