Bike Week 2013 offers people in Northern Ireland a unique opportunity to hear from active travel experts and to quiz local politicians on cycling development.
Two free public events in Derry~Londonderry and Belfast on Wednesday 19th June entitled Politically Painless Active Travel will explore the steps to get more people cycling and walking in Northern Ireland. The events are being organised by CTC, Sustrans, Travelwise and Derry City Council.
Registration is free and both events are open to the public.
You can register now for either session on the CTC website.
Headline speakers
Dr Rachel Aldred
Rachel Aldred is a London-based cycling sociologist who teaches and researches transport.
A Senior Lecturer in Transport at Westminster University, blogger and commentator on cycling strategy, policy and culture, Dr Aldred will be speaking about how to reach a critical mass of cycling that flips cycling into the mainstream, and behavioural changes needed for individual and political acceptability.
You can follow Dr Aldred on Twitter at @RachelAldred.
Gordon Seabright
Gordon Seabright is the Chief Executive of the Cyclists’ Touring Club (CTC), the national cycling charity. CTC is an independent charity, with 70,000 members nationally. Gordon took up post in March 2012. He will be giving an overview of the Westminster All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group’s cycling inquiry, getting the fundamentals right and the economic benefits of cycling.
You can follow Gordon Seabright on Twitter at @GSeabright.
Lilli Matson
Lilli Matson is Transport for London’s (TfL’s) Head of Delivery Planning. She leads TfL’s strategy and planning of surface transport priorities and projects – with a focus on managing freight and transport demand, planning for bus priority across London, promoting walking, cycling, accessible public transport and improving road safety. She will give insights into implementing active travel on crowded roadspace and the political leadership needed.
Politically Painless Active Travel seminar
Getting more safer walking and cycling
The Guildhall, Derry~Londonderry
10am Wednesday 19 June 2013
10.00 Registration and coffee
10.20 Jimmy Spratt MLA
Welcome from the Chair of Regional Development Committee
10.25 Dr Rachel Aldred
How to reach a critical mass of cycling that flips cycling into the mainstream and behavioural changes needed for individual and political acceptability
10.50 Denise Gallanagh-Wood (An Taisce) and Michele Murphy (Sustrans)
Getting the nation walking and cycling and the success of green schools in Ireland and Bike It in Northern Ireland
11.15 Dr Willie Burke (Derry City Council) and Ross McGill (Sustrans)
Route Development and promotion in Derry~Londonderry
11.45 Break
12.00 Lilli Matson (Transport for London)
Implementing active travel on crowded roadspace and the political leadership needed
12.25 Gordon Seabright (CTC Chief Executive)
Overview of the Westminster All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group inquiry, getting the fundamentals right and the economic benefits of cycling
12.45 Questions
13.00 Finger buffet
13.30 Walk~Cycle to the Peace Bridge and Riverside Greenway to look at Derry~Londonderry’s active travel infrastructure
14.00 (back at The Guildhall) Sean Lynch MLA
The Deputy Chair of the Regional Development Committee chairs the afternoon session – a member from each of the 5 main Northern Ireland political parties gives the party view on walking and cycling, and then questions from the floor
15.15 Gordon Seabright (CTC Chief Executive)
Summing up
15.30 Close
**Anyone travelling from Belfast to The Guildhall/Peace Bridge event can take advantage of the superb rail link to the North West. Enjoy free WiFi and a relaxing trip along one of the most picturesque rail journeys in Europe. The 07.10 departure from Belfast Great Victoria Street will arrive at Derry~Londonderry at 9.25am. It’s a £17.50 day return from Belfast.
Politically Painless Active Travel public meeting
Getting more safer walking and cycling
The MAC (The Factory space), Belfast
6pm Wednesday 19 June 2013
18.00 Arrival & registration
18.10 Regional Development Minister Danny Kennedy
Welcome and Minister’s comment
18.15 Gordon Seabright (CTC Chief Executive)
Overview of the Westminster All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group inquiry, getting the fundamentals right and the economic benefits of cycling
18.40 Dr Rachel Aldred
How to reach a critical mass of cycling that flips cycling into the mainstream and behavioural changes needed for individual and political acceptability
19.05 Denise Gallanagh-Wood (An Taisce)
Getting the nation walking and cycling and the success of green schools in Ireland
19.30 Tim Edgar (CTC)
CTC Bike Club and Belfast City Council
19.45 Beth Harding (Sustrans)
The results from working in schools
20.00 Gordon Clarke (Sustrans Director Ireland)
Summing up
20.10 Questions
20.25 Regional Development Minister Danny Kennedy
The Minister’s closing comments
20.30 Close